Industrial robots and robotic welding market overview

Key information about one of the most important segments of the welding industry

One of the key drivers of the current industrial revolution is the robotization of production processes. This allows companies to increase production volumes, improve product quality and reduce the number of defects. Russia has not been exempt from this trend. Let us examine the principal trends and prospects of the industrial robot and robotic welding markets.

A review of the global and Russian industrial robots and robotic welding markets

In 2024, there will be more than 3.5 million industrial robots in the world. According to Mordor Intelligence, the volume of this market exceeds $42 billion, and by 2029 this figure will almost double, approaching $80 billion. This trend is explained by active industrialization, primarily in Asia and Latin America.

One of the fastest-growing segments is robotic welding. It is anticipated that this market will exceed $10 billion by 2025-2026. The main drivers of this segment are the automotive, aerospace and metallurgy industries.

As of the end of 2023, the Russian industrial robot fleet totaled approximately 11,000 units, representing approximately 0.3% of the global total. The value of robot production at the end of 2023 was approximately RUB 8 billion, representing a significant increase of almost twice the figure recorded in 2022. The introduction of robots into production processes in Russia is lagging global indicators. This is evidenced by the relatively low number of robots (according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, 10 units per 10,000 employees). Concurrently, this sector is demonstrating an annual growth rate of 15-20%. Currently, approximately 2,000 companies in Russia have implemented robotic welding.

What factors constrained the Russian industrial robotics market in 2022-2023? The most significant factor influencing the Russian industrial robotics market in 2022-2023 was the imposition of sanctions restrictions (including a ban on product deliveries to Russia). This forced several global manufacturers (Yaskawa, Kawasaki, Fanuc) to leave the Russian market. In addition to the cessation of supplies of new equipment, there were certain problems with finding spare parts for previously introduced robots, as well as difficulties with updating and functioning of software. Some companies have managed to reorient themselves to the supply of welding robots and spare parts for them from China. However, it should be noted that Chinese manufacturers are primarily focused on the domestic market, where demand now significantly exceeds supply.

Key trends and growth points

Despite the challenges currently facing the Russian market for industrial (including welding) robots, we can expect to see a dynamic development in the coming years. Furthermore, the country's leadership has consistently highlighted the significance of this area. For instance, Russian President Vladimir Putin has directed that by 2030 Russia should be among the top 25 countries in terms of the number of industrial robots.

Achieving such an ambitious goal is impossible without stimulation and support from the state. For instance, a set of measures to support industrial robotics has already been approved and is already in operation. These include subsidies for R&D and measures to stimulate demand for industrial robots. For example, there are 50% subsidies for the purchase of domestic products, which makes them attractive against foreign analogues.

Furthermore, an increasing coefficient of 1.5 has been introduced for industrial robotics, which is applied to the initial cost of fixed assets. In turn, manufacturers of industrial robots can apply for preferential loans to modernize production and replenish working capital, as well as state guarantees to secure contracts and privileges for land and connection to engineering infrastructure networks. And these support measures are proving to be effective. Over the past two years, a number of Russian companies have presented designs for industrial robots that are on par with their foreign counterparts.

Among the positive trends, it is worth noting the joining of efforts of industrial robot manufacturers and leading scientific centres. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow Polytechnic Institute, SamSTU, National Research Lobachevsky State University are actively involved in this process.

What is the significance of Weldex for guests and exhibitors

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Промышленные роботы на выставке Weldex 2024

The Russian market for industrial robotics is currently undergoing a transformation to reflect the new realities of its functioning. This presents a valuable opportunity for Russian and foreign players to gain a foothold in the market. An open dialogue between manufacturers of such products, their consumers and the state will facilitate the implementation of these products. For many years, the International Exhibition of Welding Materials, Equipment and Technologies Weldex has been a platform for effective interaction between industry professionals.

In 2023, 168 companies from Russia and abroad showcased their products at the exhibition, with 6,097 industry professionals from various sectors in attendance, including construction, housing and utilities, metallurgy and mechanical engineering. It is worth noting that 76% of exhibitors found new clients as a result of the exhibition, while 78% of guests plan to make a purchase as a result of the event. The section of industrial robots was among the top five most popular among the exhibition's guests. A total of 32% of visitors (1,962 guests) expressed interest in this particular section.

The 23rd International Exhibition of Welding Materials, Equipment and Technologies Weldex, taking place from 8 to 11 October 2024 at Moscow's Crocus Expo IEC, pavilion 1, hall 4, provides an ideal opportunity to source new partners among manufacturers and suppliers of industrial robots and to gain insight into the latest achievements of the world and Russian industry in this area.

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